New Science & Technology feature published today: An interview with Masha Gessen, author of 'Perfect Rigor: A Genius + the Mathematical Breakthrough of the Century' - a biography of Grigory Perelman, who in 2002 solved the Poincare Conjecture.
Just posted a new feature about Ugly Christmas Sweater Parties on our home page. While we didn't feel it was appropriate to use the photo at right with the main article, we do hope you find it compelling enough to make you read the article.
Last night the New Jersey Nets lost to the Los Angeles Lakers 106-87 at the Staples Center in Los Angeles, tying the NBA record for most consecutive losses to begin a season.
This was the scene in Lenox, Massachusetts, on Friday morning when a concrete truck attempted to pass under utility lines without lowering the truck's boom. The boom became entangled in the lines and pulled them down, leaving them tangled and draped across the truck. The utility lines belong to National Grid, Verizon and Time Warner Cable. Miraculously, no one was hurt in the accident. Photo by Failure magazine.
Tomorrow's edition of the New York Times book review features a review of "Fordlandia: The Rise and Fall of Henry Ford's Forgotten Jungle City," by Greg Grandin. For additional insight into Ford's failed jungle city, read Failure magazine's interview with Grandin.
This year's Mr. Irrelevant (the last player selected in the NFL draft) is Ryan Succop (pronounced "suck-up"), the South Carolina Gamecocks placekicker who was selected by the Kansas City Chiefs with the 256th and final pick of the 2009 draft. Presumably he can expect to be celebrated (as the ultimate underdog) during Irrelevant Week, at which time he will be presented with The Lowsman Trophy (see photo at right).
In the department of 'I can't believe he said that on national television' ... On the April 14 edition of CNN’s Lou Dobbs Tonight, Minneapolis radio host Chris Baker actually said the following: “The craziest expenditure [of economic stimulus funds] I’ve seen so far is [Governor] Ed Rendell … hiring comics, magicians, and mimes … to cheer up the people of Pennsylvania.” Baker apparently obtained his information from an April 1 editorial by The Patriot-News of Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, which, in an April Fools’ joke, announced that Rendell was going to spend $15 million of federal stimulus funds to hire all manner of street performers to change the mood in the state.
A traveling billboard with the slogan "Americans didn't vote for a RUSH to failure" made its first appearance earlier today in West Palm Beach, Florida.
Last night I tuned in to ABC’s Dancing With the Stars for the very first time, solely for the purpose of watching Steve Wozniak dance. I’m not a Woz fan or anything (although we do have a soft spot in our hearts for him here at Failure as he did one of the first-ever Failure interviews ), but I kept hearing about Dancing Woz, and finally decided to tune in.
As it turns out, what I’d been hearing seems to be true; Woz is the ultimate underdog. And it’s quite brave of him — or perhaps masochistic — to keep going out there even when it’s clear that he can’t dance worth a lick. If it was up to the judges, he’d have been booted off the show long ago.
Last week, Woz and his dance partner (who is almost an afterthought, by the way) scored just 10 out of 30 points. And last night they did only marginally better, earning 12 out of 30, prompting the judges to refer to Woz’s routine as “long — there wasn’t much going on there,” and to say, “This is an improvement from last week … but last week was so terrible almost anything would be an improvement.”
As you may know, though, the judges aren’t the sole decision makers in regard to who “wins,” as viewers get to vote too. And thanks to the efforts of Vote Woz! and his army of geek fans, Wozniak (and dance partner, I don’t even know her name) are garnering enough votes to dance another day. While I’m not quite sure how the voting process works, I believe we learn whether Woz advances again on tonight’s episode. Stay tuned.
We don't often comment on the personal failures of individuals - but how's this for a "bad day"? According to the Connecticut Post, on Jan. 29 of this year David Maksimik, 59, a convicted bank robber, woke up and went to a local bank (People's United in Darien, Connecticut), brandishing a gun and fake grenade. He proceeded to rob the bank and escaped with $3,745 in cash. So far, so good.
But while fleeing the scene in his '92 Toyota he rear-ended another car, forcing him to ditch the Tercel. After a bus ride, a trip in a taxi, and a ride from his sister, he finally made it home, where he found his fifty-something roomate unconscious on the floor. He called 911, but it was too late. His roomate had successfully committed suicide.
Meanwhile, Maksimik's behavior made the police suspicious, and while tending to his roomate found the stolen $3,745 in a bag on Maksimik's bed. The flustered bank robber then proceeded to waive his rights and confessed. Now he's charged with bank robbery by force, a federal charge that carries a 20-year prison sentence, along with a long list of other state charges, including reckless driving.
Two days ago AIG issued a memo to its employees advising them to "avoid wearing any AIG apparel with the company insignia," and to "avoid public conversations concerning AIG" -- to name just two of the many security-oriented safety guidelines listed. The memo seems prudent. After all, A.I.G. employees have reportedly been receiving death threats. And Connecticut Working Families is planning a bus tour of A.I.G. executives' houses on Saturday March 21, a "field trip" designed to give passengers the chance to vent their anger.
While researching an upcoming Failure magazine article, I stumbled upon a particularly ironic AIG magazine ad, one that presumably predates the recent "strength to be there" campaign. This particular ad states: "Opting not to buy our insurance is your right. But we'll be taking your money anyway." If nothing else, AIG proved to be prophetic.
Today, the Seattle Post-Intelligencer — at 146 years old, the city’s oldest newspaper — published its last print edition, commemorating its closing with a 20-page special section. However, the paper will continue to live on — online - at least for the time being.
Word out of Niagara Falls, Ontario, is that a man has survived a plunge over Niagara Falls. Prior to today, the last person known to have survived a plunge over the Horseshow (Canadian) Falls was Kirk Jones, a onetime auto parts salesman from Michigan who took the plunge on October 20, 2003.
But the story of the first person who went over Niagara Falls is perhaps most interesting. On October 24, 1901, an impoverished Annie Edson Taylor, 63, went over Horseshoe Falls in an oak barrel, believing the stunt would make her a wealthy woman. But her get-rich-scheme failed miserably as her manager stole her barrel, hired a young sexpot to play her, and took the Annie Taylor Show on the road without her. She died penniless on the streets of Niagara Falls.
Today Maytag Corp. announced that it is recalling 1.6 million refrigerators due to the possibility of electrical failure in the relay component that turns on the refrigerator's compressor, a flaw that poses a serious fire hazard. Maytag claims that 41 incidents have already been reported, with 16 resulting in varying degrees of fire or smoke damage. To find out if your refrigerator is included in the recall or to set up a free in-home repair call 866-533-9817 (toll-free). Information is also available at
Following is a link to a pdf of AIG's February 26 report to the federal government about the potential consequences to the U.S. and global ecomony should the firm collapse:
The 44-year-old Connecticut School of Broadcasting — a private broadcasting school with 26 campuses in 16 states — abruptly shut down yesterday and announced today that it will seek bankruptcy protection.
Last year “Bailout” (“a rescue from financial distress”) was Merriam-Webster’s Word of the Year. In 2009, “furlough” (“a leave of absence from duty …”) has to be to considered the early favorite to earn that same distinction. But if there’s anything positive to be gleaned from employers’ increasingly common use of layoffs, it’s that they reflect a new orientation towards sacrificing for the collective good. In the past, employers would have favored layoffs, which disproportionally affect the few while insulating the vast majority. In the case of furloughs, everyone takes a small hit, spreading out the suffering amongst an entire group, which reflects a ‘sacrifice for the greater good’ ethos that has been missing in American society in recent years. A small victory, but a victory nonetheless.
In an ominous sign for midsize newspapers nationwide, the Rocky Mountain News, Colorado’s oldest newspaper and a Denver fixture since 1859, published its last edition today after owner E.W. Scripps Co. failed to find a buyer for the money-hemorrhaging paper. The 52-page commemorative edition accompanying the regular paper features the headline “Goodbye, Colorado,” and highlights some of the RMN's best work. The closing comes just two months short of the RMN's 150th anniversary.
The Detroit Lions just can't let go of Roy Williams. It turns out that Williams, who has been playing for the Dallas Cowboys since October of last year, is on the cover of the Lions' 2009 official team calendar. Another laughable mistake by the sorriest franchise in the NFL. Want more? Click here to read Failure magazine's recent feature on the Matt Millen era in Detroit.
Last night, a fire and subsequent stampede left 58 people dead and more than 100 injured at the upscale Santika nightclub in Bangkok. Reportedly, the blaze started near a stage where fireworks were being utilized for a performance, last night being the club’s closing night. Ironically, the venue’s Web site had billed the New Year’s Party as “Goodbye Santika.”